Super Simple Hand and Foot Turkey Art

Dear Mommas,


I have always loved crafting. (You can even check out some of my work on my FB page at Designs By Momma K). But crafting with children has always been my favorite.

Now that Little Man is old enough, I have begun to do simple holiday crafts with him to make little decorations and let his creative side show. For Thanksgiving we made this super simple Turkey.

Super Simple Hand and Foot Turkey Art

You will need:

Kid safe paint

A paint brush

Card stock – Construction paper works too!



Tape or glue stick

How to:

1.Paint the bottom of your child’s foot brown and gently place it down on a while piece of paper so that it leaves a foot print.

2. Paint the palm of your child’s hand orange and place it on a piece of white paper so that it leaves a solid hand print. (Repeat with red and yellow).

3. Once all 4 pieces have dried carefully cut them out.

4. Assemble your turkey as pictured above with a glue stick or tape.

5. Using markers or paint, create your Turkeys face and feet.

6. Hang on the fridge (or where ever you please) and enjoy your little ones work of art for the season.

Check back next month for some cute Christmas themed hand and foot art!

From my family to yours, Happy Thanksgiving. I hope you enjoy these precious holiday times with your loved ones.


Momma K


Here are the photos of the Halloween hand and foot art we did! Sadly, I never got around to posting a how to on these guys. Hopefully At one point I will be able to sit down and write it out for next year for you all! But until then, enjoy the photos of my Little Man’s art.


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